The Studio, 1970

The Studio, 1970

Blueberry Pie #9, 1971

Blueberry Pie #9, 1971

A Boiled Fresh Haddock with Butter and Parsley, 1970

A Boiled Fresh Haddock with Butter and Parsley, 1970

Whatever I Attempt It Is Usually Done With The Full Force Of My…, 1970

Whatever I Attempt It Is Usually Done With The Full Force Of My…, 1970

Smorgi-Bob the Chef, 1971

Smorgi-Bob the Chef, 1971

Kiln Man, 1971

Kiln Man, 1971

A Hollow Jesture, 1971

A Hollow Jesture, 1971

Assassination of a Famous Nut Artist, 1971

Assassination of a Famous Nut Artist, 1971

Delta Bob, 1972

Delta Bob, 1972

Classical Exposure, 1972

Classical Exposure, 1972